Michael Rosen과 Helen Oxenbury의 "We’re Going on a Bear Hunt"는 아이를 위한 영어그림책으로 가장 유명한 책입니다. 아이들이 잠을 잘 시간에 읽어주는 그림책으로 아이의 상상력을 키워주는 스토리이며 책속의 그림이 내용에 따라서 흑백과 칼라로 꾸며진 파스텔풍의 동화입니다. 또한, 동물원에 가기전에 읽어주고 곰에 대해서 공부도 한다면 어떨까요 ?
We're Going on a Bear Hunt (children repeat each line after adult)
We're going on a bear hunt, We're gonna catch a big one, What a beautiful day, We're not scared. Oh ,oh! Grass, Long, wavy, grass. We can't go over it, We can't go under it, We've gotta go throught it! Swishy swashy, swishy swashy.
We're going on a bear hunt, We're gonna catch a big one, What a beautiful day, We're not scared. Oh ,oh! A river, A deep, cold river. We can't go over it, We can't go under it, We've gotta go throught it! Splish splosh, splish splosh.
We're going on a bear hunt, We're gonna catch a big one, What a beautiful day, We're not scared. Oh ,oh! Mud, Thick, oozy mud. We can't go over it, We can't go under it, We've gotta go throught it! Squelch squelch, squelch squelch
We're going on a bear hunt, We're gonna catch a big one, What a beautiful day, We're not scared. Oh ,oh! A forest, A big, dark forest. We can't go over it, We can't go under it, We've gotta go throught it! Stmble trip, stumble trip.
We're going on a bear hunt, We're gonna catch a big one, What a beautiful day, We're not scared. Oh ,oh! A cave, A scary, dark cave. We can't go over it, We can't go under it, We've gotta go throught it! Tiptoe, tiptoe.
(say the following verse all together and quickly) OH NO IT'S A BEAR!!! Quick! Through the cave, tiptoe, tiptoe, Through the forest, stumble trip, stumble trip, Through the river, splish splosh, splish spolosh, Through the mud, squelch squelch, squelch squelch, Through the grass, swishy swashy, swishy swashy. Run to the house, run up the stairs, Oh oh forgot to shut the door! Run back downstairs, shut the door, Run back up, to the bedroom, Jump into bed, pull up the covers, WE ARE NEVER GOING ON A BEAR HUNT AGAIN!!
책을 알 수 있는 멋진 소개말을 영어로 전합니다. Winner of the Smarties Book Prize. "A dramatic and comic masterpiece Beautifully produced, written and illustrated, this is a classic." The independent on Sunday