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메일로 받은 오늘의 단어입니다.
ambit \AM-bit\, noun:
1. Circuit or compass.
2. The boundaries or limits of a district or place.
3. An area in which something acts, operates, or has power or control; extent; sphere; scope.
There was little to suggest his future eminence until he came within the ambit of the Vienna Circle, the renowned group of philosopher-scientists whose mission was to replace traditional metaphysics with the clean worldview of modern science.
-- David Papineau, "The Proof Is in the Disproof", New York Times, November 12, 2000
The Department of Enterprise wanted a regulatory regime completely outside the ambit of the Central Bank.
-- Christine Newman, "Departments were having 'turf war', committee told", Irish Times, November 29, 2000
Ambit is from Latin ambitus, "circuit," from ambire, "to go around," from amb-, "about, around" + ire, "to go."
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